structure{ region{ integrate{ } } }


spatial integration of profiles in the region.


integrate{                                  # spatial integration of profiles in this region.
        electron_density{}                  # integrate electron density.
        hole_density{}                      # integrate hole density.
        ionized_donor_density{}             # integrates density of ionized donors
        ionized_acceptor_density{}          # integrates density of ionized acceptors
        piezo_density{}                     # integrate piezo charge density.
        pyro_density{}                      # integrate pyro charge density.
        polarization_density{}              # integrate the polarization charges density. ( = piezo + pyro)
        fixed_charge_density{}              # integrates density of fixed charges.
        label = "channel"                   # (optional) defines meaningful label for columns in output files.
                                            # If not defined, the number of the region is taken as a label.


Due to the finite descretization of the space, it is advised to define the region for integration slightly larger than the region of actual interest, especially if there is a significantly high density at the boundaries of the integration region.